Water Wise
Learn to save water while immersed in a circular scenography made of rented waterbottles, pipes, crates and tanks.

Client Zuiderzeemuseum

Status Temporary

Size 500 m2

Year 2024

Location Enkhuizen / NL

Production Capaz

AV Gado Gado Filmproduction

Our role Art direction, Exhibition design

Team Stefan Fahrngruber, Matteo Renna

Photo credits Guillaume Groen

The Water wise exhibition at the Zuiderzeemuseum in Enkhuizen focuses on water usage in the past, present and future. MAST’s scenography creates awareness around personal water consumption by incorporating reusable water bottles, tanks and crates as spatial design elements.

Increasing awareness of water consumption through scenography
The brief was to create a circular scenography that would enhance the exhibition’s content. In MAST’s design response, various types of water storage serve as display units and as a means to increase awareness of water consumption. All materials are reusable, rented, or will be returned to the supplier after the exhibition.

Water usage visualised in the exhibition’s scenography
The exhibition trajectory guides visitors through five different rooms. In each space, one specific water storage method takes centre stage: water bottle crates, water pipes, tanks and water cooler bottles. These objects are reimagined as display units and other scenographic elements. Through interactive question-answer games, visitors gain awareness of their personal water use.

A water pipe selfie as a souvenir
The exhibition ends with several interactive components: a personal QR-coded motivation to save water, and a construction fragment of the largest water pipe in the Netherlands. By incorporating an infinity mirror in this fragment, visitors are invited to take a water pipe selfie as a souvenir.

See also
We believe in the narratives behind our projects and strive to tell them beautifully through high quality craftsmanship and design.